
Next generation management solution for ActiveImage Protector

Deploy | Manage | Monitor 


Next Generation Management solution for ActiveImage Protector

ActiveVisor monitors and manages the state of ActiveImage Protector agents in order for system administrators to maintain system continuity. By collecting information from distributed agents over the network, ActiveVisor provides a visual representation of overall system protection, sends email notifications of client backup status, monitors storage space availability of devices, and administer deployment of agents, schedules, and tasks. System administrators save time, and reduce costs by managing ActiveImage Protector agent settings providing peace of mind that continuous and reliable backups are performed.


Features of ActiveVisor:

  • Browser-based console
  • Centralised Management of MS Azure Clients
  • Managed Client Grouping
  • Monitor Agent Status and Logs
  • Licence Manager
  • Push Install – Including Configuration Templates
  • Create Template Schedules
  • Created Template Destinations

Browser-based console

  • Auto-discovery of Servers & Desktops
  • Tree of OS types and versions
  • Shows protected and not protected clients
  • Click on a discovered client and convert to Managed
  • Draws attention to the status of Tasks
dashboard ActiveVisor_Managed Client Group

Managed Client Grouping

Clients can be grouped for management purposes. Groups can be rearranged, if necessary, based on changes to a systems configuration.

ActiveVisor_Push Install

Push Install

The Push Installer finds unprotected machines in the domain or workgroup and remotely pushes ActiveImage Protector to the client machine.

ActiveVisor_Licence Manager

Licence Manager

Centralized management of ActiveImage Protected clients, displays product key information, list licensed client machines and re-assign licenses as needed.


Detailed And Flexible Scheduling

Schedules may be configured based on individual client requirements, or apply a predefined scheduled template to deploy a pattern-based backup schedule to batches of clients.

ActiveVisor_Monitor Agent

Monitor Agent Status and live logs

ActiveVisor monitors task status, task execution, and agent status. ActiveVisor can display task execution logs for managed clients and provides pre-emptive information such as insufficient space for efficient storage management.

ActiveVisor_Visual Alert

Visual Alert

In the event of a system failure, ActiveVisor provides table views illustrating where the failure occurred, so the affected system can be recovered quickly.

ActiveVisor_Free with ActiveImage

Included Free With ActiveImage Protector

This is a free add-on included in the installer of both the ActiveImage Protector trial and full software package.

Resources – How to Guides

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