MSPs: 5 Ways to Maintain Your Reputation with Clients

A MSP thrives when clients have trust in the service provider.

Nowadays, anyone and everyone is at risk of opening a phishing email because we are all more than likely to be sent an email by a hacker at some point in our lives. Therefore, the risk is real and prevalent for any and all MSPs employees and clients. Although a professional IT technician would easily spot the difference between a malicious and harmless email, are all the employees of your MSP, no matter their experience level, able to tell the difference?

An MSP relies on its good reputation and the trust of its clients to flourish. When there is a breach, and a client’s faith in your ability to protect their and your own data is broken, it can be difficult for an MSP to recover and rebuild after such an occurrence. That’s why it is vital for MSPs to take every precaution to protect a client’s data and offer them the best in backup and disaster recovery solutions.

How to Maintain Your Reputation and Client Trust with ActiveImage

  1. Ensure that you as the MSP are covered and have an efficient and reliable backup and recovery plan in place. ActiveImage can offer you regular incremental backups, replication to multiple off site locations, and smooth, fast and reliable restores. Our variety of solutions are perfect for you and for clients in any industry.
  2. The solutions you provide need to be tailorable to your client’s industry and security needs. ActiveImage can provide you with solutions to protect clients with Windows and Linux physical machines, and virtual environments. Our product, ActiveVisor, is also a vital tool to help you manage the state of ActiveImage Protector agents to maintain system continuity, and ensure all licenses and cyber-security rules of any industry are being followed and maintained.
  3. Always continuously assess a client’s security solution, especially if it has recently received new features. ActiveImage product features allow for the ability to test whether a business is disaster ready from anywhere in a matter of minutes.
  4. Keep your clients in the loop about what new types of cyber-attacks are out there. Clients who are more aware of cyber-crime are less likely to fall for bait left out by cyber-criminals.
  5. It is important to keep your software patches up-to-date to keep hackers from finding weaknesses in your clients’ protection plans. With the ActiveImage Protector IT Pro Edition and ActiveVisor, you will be equipped with all the IT tools to keep your clients protected and have peace of mind as an MSP that your reputation is covered.

For more information on ActiveImage or any of the above mentioned products, contact us for a demo or a 30 Day free trial.

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