Sergey Zimin

Backup scheduling best practises to ensure availability

Imagine a scale where the two endpoints represent two extreme data protection policies. The endpoint on the left-hand side of the scale is marked, “good backup of the system when it was configured and released into Production” (i.e. “day-zero backup”). The endpoint on the right-hand side of the scale is marked, “real-time mirroring/replication”. These two […]

Backup scheduling best practises to ensure availability Read More »

iSCSI vs. NFS – which one is better choice for Instant VM?

iSCSI vs. NFS – which one is better choice for Instant VM? Occasionally I come across a discussion about which approach is better to serve backup data to an Instant VM – iSCSI or NFS, or any others? Those who advocate NFS quite often say that if the target hypervisor supports NFS storage and the

iSCSI vs. NFS – which one is better choice for Instant VM? Read More »

Are your backups safe from Malware?

Recent reports from multiple sources reveal the weight of ransomware attacks has recently skewed towards MSP networks. Sources confirm in some cases the hacker’s penetration causes disabling backup and disaster recovery (BDR) systems. Depending on how MSP’s handle end-customer separation from MSP environment – the ransomware can either be propagated to the end-user fleet, or

Are your backups safe from Malware? Read More »

Combat Malware

ActiveImage Protector: adding anti-malware Controls

Recent reports from multiple sources reveal the weight of ransomware attacks has recently skewed towards MSP networks. Sources confirm in some cases the hacker’s penetration causes disabling backup and disaster recovery (BDR) systems. Depending on how MSP’s handle end-customer separation from MSP environment – the ransomware can either be propagated to the end-customer fleet or

ActiveImage Protector: adding anti-malware Controls Read More »

Deduplication: pros, cons, what to look for and what to expect from it.

  We will not try to get down to the molecular level. The main intention of this article is to shed some light on deduplication-relevant pros and cons and to broaden view of this topic. In computing, the simplest and the most effective definition (by Wikipedia) of Data Deduplication goes as “a specialized data compression

Deduplication: pros, cons, what to look for and what to expect from it. Read More »

Scada BDR

ActiveImage in SCADA environment

SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) Systems control the automation in many industries such as Power, Water, Manufacturing, Energy, Mass Transit and more. SCADA systems are computer based, and so even the best system will fail at some point for reasons such as: Hardware Failures (disk failure, power surges, aged equipment, etc). Software Failures (viruses,

ActiveImage in SCADA environment Read More »

Are deduplicated backups the way to faster recovery times?

Deduplication has been around for some time now, but may still not be fully understood for its variety of properties. The technology, sometimes referred to as data deduping or data dedupe, is essentially a method of space-saving and works by dividing data into segments or chunks. These segments are then evaluated for their similarities and

Are deduplicated backups the way to faster recovery times? Read More »

The importance of offsite backups for DR, and how to do it cost effectively

Everyone knows backing up company information is crucial to the companies continuity, and it can be convenient to have a local backup on hand to restore the system once an attack or failure has happened. However, one backup is not enough, especially if it is an onsite backup. Having an offsite backups might be the

The importance of offsite backups for DR, and how to do it cost effectively Read More »

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