Scada BDR

ActiveImage in SCADA environment

SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) Systems control the automation in many industries such as Power, Water, Manufacturing, Energy, Mass Transit and more. SCADA systems are computer based, and so even the best system will fail at some point for reasons such as: Hardware Failures (disk failure, power surges, aged equipment, etc). Software Failures (viruses, […]

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Shouldn’t you be using a single platform for both backup and disaster recovery?

IT professionals and business owners will eventually need to come to a decision with regards to their backup  and disaster recovery plans moving forward. This is a big and important question that is crucial to the continuity of the business and needs as much research and consultation as the business can afford. In the beginning,

Shouldn’t you be using a single platform for both backup and disaster recovery? Read More »

BDR: Why all data cannot be seen as equal

Questions businesses or enterprises need to ask themselves is how to protect, store and handle their data. What is just as important is how the data should be managed. Should the data be stored and for how long? What data is the most valuable and needs the most protection? What data is more valuable to

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Attention MSPs! How Cybersecurity offerings can add to your bottom line in 2018!

The increase in cyber attacks and with it, a demand for more cybersecurity, means that hundreds, if not thousands, of Managed Service Providers (MSPs) are all trying to build a viable and more profitable practice. How to stay on top To lead the pack and add to your bottom line this year, MSPs are needing

Attention MSPs! How Cybersecurity offerings can add to your bottom line in 2018! Read More »

Latest Ransomware trends: Should you be concerned?

Experts predict that in 2018 ransomware will continue to increasingly be a threat and everyone should be concerned. McAfee stated in its report about the economic impact of cybercrime that it now costs the world $600 billion as these crimes touch more than two billion people. It attributes ransomware as the fastest growing tool to

Latest Ransomware trends: Should you be concerned? Read More »

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